Who hasn’t had a computer crash and had untold hours of work disappear into the ether?
It is something that our Guild Administrator is currently dealing with as her antiquated IGMA owned computer is in its death throes. Figuratively speaking, the baling twine has been brought in to hold it together as long as possible, but I fear it is already dreaming of that great computer scrap yard in the sky.
We do not have any of those giant red thermometers demonstrating the progress of our appeal, but the International Guild of Miniature Artisans is in the midst of its first organization wide fundraising campaign. Like many non-profit organizations, everything we do is not always fully funded by membership dues or the price of admission, so fund-raising becomes a necessity to make up the difference. Over our 35 year history, we’ve tried a wide variety of ways to raise funds, this year, we’re asking outright for your assistance.
Getting a new computer for our Guild Administrator so we can efficiently run the programs we are so well known for is one of the very deserving causes at the top of our priority list. If you’ve enjoyed one of our very reasonably priced study programs, or if you support our mission and are in a position to make a donation, we are asking you to do so. Support programs like the Artisan and Fellow Selection Committees which encourage those talented Guild members who seek to elevate their skills and be recognized for their efforts. Or help provide the funds to design and launch the new IGMA miniatures tips forum and chat room which we hope will go live in the next few months.
Donations can be made on line via Paypal, or by sending a check with the appeal response card that was included in each member’s letter. Please feel free to contact us (info@igma.org) if you would like to discuss a targeted donation or sponsorship of a special program.
I will post this also on the site I use.